December 31, 2021 Naresh




At the beginning of every year, we find ourselves at a point of recollection. We look back at the year that’s coming to a close and all the things we were able to accomplish. Additionally, we see the things we have yet to do. We also see areas of our lives we can make better. 

In light of this, we then make a promise to ourselves to take actions that would give us progress and bring us happiness. These promises are called New Year’s Resolutions.

And we’re going to talk about the very best new year’s resolution you can make this year.


Merriam-Webster defines New Years Resolution as a promise to do something differently in the new year.


When did we start making New Years Resolutions? Some quick history for you. Apparently, the practice was started by ancient Babylonians about 4,000 years ago. However, it wasn’t quite in the same way.

They would make promises to Gods and Kings. In return for keeping their promises, their fortunes would be more favorable in the coming year.

This practice developed over time through ancient Rome and Christianity into the secular practice we have now. People’s resolutions are now to make their own lives better. If you’re interested in learning how New Year’s resolutions developed over time you can check it out here.


If you don’t have any new years resolutions then it’s definitely time to make some. If you never made any before then here are some common new year’s resolutions people make to give you an idea of how it works. Keep in mind these are placed in no particular order and everyone’s lists will have different things on them. Obviousy because it’s based on what’s important to you.   

  1. Do 10 random acts of kindness every month
  2. lose 40 lbs
  3. travel to 5 places I’ve never been before
  4. drink more water
  5. keep a journal
  6. learn a new language
  7. pay off debt
  8. let go of grudges
  9. start a new hobby
  10. spend more time with family

You can find a full list of 55 common resolutions people make here.


The resolutions mentioned above are great and usually reflect different short and long-term goals. These goals give you purpose along with being healthy and moral. They can also be a chance to reflect on what or who is important in your life. Moreover, it’s a reminder to spend time on that particular matter or person.

It also can mentally represent a needed fresh start for many people who were going through trials and tribulations in the past year. 

There’s nothing wrong with these resolutions and they can be very good for you and for living a healthy lifestyle overall.

However, were here to talk about the best one. Yet it’s also the one that’s commonly overlooked or not explained enough on any site. 

For GrindPolicy, most importantly, the New Year is a chance to work on your dream. If you’ve been putting it off or got stuck, new year’s resolutions represent a chance to really make an initiative to work toward your dream.  

I will show you the best way how.


This new year, I challenge you to really focus on your dreams as your New Year’s Resolution. We often put them aside. That’s because we are half-hearted with our thoughts about our dreams. Many of us will write down something about pursuing our dreams on our resolution list.

However, the reason it remains on our list year after year is that we don’t do enough behind those thoughts to really take significant action. As a result, we suffer from not thinking it all the way through. 

But this year we’re going to do it right. If you want to make all those other new year’s resolutions, that’s great. But I ask you to put those aside and just focus on your dream first. In a single day, you can write down actionable steps to work toward your goals. 




Figure out what your first steps are. Make sure that it’s not just another line on your new year’s resolution list. That’s where it goes wrong. Instead, take the time to really hone in on what you can do that will make immediate and lasting action toward your dream. I am telling you to work on your passion. 

If you don’t know what your passion is, see this article to find out how you can find your passion todayBut if you know what it is and haven’t yet started it, it’s time to figure out your first steps. 




What do you need for your passion to exist? 

Do you have to learn something new? Do you need money to spend on resources? Well, congratulations then those are your first steps. It really is that simple. Your new year’s resolution of working on your passion can now be developed further. Figure out where what and how to learn. If you need money figure out how much and how to get it.

Now that you know what you want and how to start that’s great! You now have an actionable new years resolution. Moreover, it’s one of the most important ones for you because it represents your life’s dream.

Thinking things out sounds obvious but so many people drop the ball right here at square one. Consequently, they delay themselves for months or sometimes years. Much like myself, I might add. 




Now, to keep the fire going through the year you’re going to need to fill in some more blanks. 

It’s good to think about milestones in between your first steps and what you see as the accomplishment of your dream. If you have trouble figuring out your milestones, then just work backward from your goal. What is the measure of success that is the line you have to cross to have your dream be a reality?

Next, work backward to establish what you need (whether it be influence, money, knowledge, or some other resource) to have your dream. Then you repeat as many times as necessary to break down your path into small actionable steps. The smaller the better so you always know where to place one foot in front of another without having to jump. When you’re finished you would have made a plan of action. 

If you need more help making a plan of action, check out this article here. 


With that new year comes a new chance. A new opportunity for you to start anew and work toward your dream. Take your chance head-on. Get hype with this motivational video below!


Follow your dreams. Build this year’s New Year’s Resolution as the last one you need to finally start on your dream. See your path clearly.  Then you can build your other resolutions around it where they don’t take away from it. Remember that priority takes precedence.

Importantly, a new year’s resolution is just a chance to feel like you’re starting anew, but you don’t actually have to wait for new year’s for that chance. Your moments are in front of you with every second that passes. And with that, each moment is a chance for you to grab hold of your future. So, if you’re ever lost or stuck just remember… 


With every new moment comes a chance to take action today for a better tomorrow. You just have to make the right choice
GrindPolicy #37

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How often do you complete your new year's resolutions?

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