In The Beginning

There was nothing

Around 2013-ish, I decided that I needed to figure out what I actually wanted to do with my life. I figured out that I was good at helping people and bringing people together. That was about as far as I got before I was thrown into the world to try and find a job with my newly acquired Criminal Justice Degree.

Sometime in 2017


I decided to do motivational speaking and vlogging about my personal experiences on YouTube and created the MyMoTV channel. I created a logo with the help of a friend and even got one t-shirt made just for myself.

Sometime in 2019


After not doing anything at all with MyMoTV, I was feeling quite discouraged. Not only that but I knew I still hadn't found what I was looking for. I didn't know how to grab hold of it. I took sometime to think about it. I rebranded to the name GrindPolicy. I started by making an Instagram to hold on to the name while I figured out what I wanted to do with it.

2019 - 2020


Throughout the year I made 5 GrindPolicy YouTube videos on my other YouTube channel SKITZOpHISH which was for gaming, film, movie reviews and more. The SKITZOpHISH Chanel was created in 2019 with some friends who aspired to be streamers. But it allowed us to work together to learn about streaming, vlogging and what we needed from a technological aspect.

About August 3rd, 2020


In the midst of the Corona Virus Pandemic and still being forced to still go to an empty workplace, I had plenty of time to tend to my own thoughts. I decided I needed to do more with my dreams. For the very first time, I tried making a business plan for GrindPolicy.

September 2020

Business Plan

Researched lean business plan models and tried to create one for GrindPolicy.

December 2020

Hit by lightning

Got hit with a lightning bolt and decided I wanted GrindPolicy to start as a blog.


December 15th - Began researching several different blogs and websites. From Neil Patel to Sophie Lee.


Downloaded WordPress onto the computer. Started designing websites. Made a plan to launch by June.


Downloaded Brooklyn theme for the website by united themes.


Purchased Bluehost hosting and domain name!


Broke my website trying to move it from local hosting to my domain. Contacted chat support 5 times. Bluehost chat supports rocks by the way, they're lifesavers.


Created GrindPolicy Pinterest for marketing and RedBubble account for seeling merch.


Created GrindPolicy Twitter for marketing.


Finished designing my HomePage!

February to May 2021

The Big Move

At the end of February/early March, I moved into a new house with Kim. It took a while to finish unpacking. We also wanted to make our new desks which was a whole learning process. Once they were made we were able to set up our computers and started to get back on all our projects.

Sometime in May

Struggled to find where I left off with the website. I had written down my plan but for some reason wasn’t good at keeping track of all my edits to know where I left off. Silly me. Started making revisions to the pages and menus.

June 2021

Was still struggling. Everything was such a blur. I honestly didn’t get much work done here. I needed to reset my mind, revisit all my ideas, and start working on all my projects again, with GrindPolicy, Streaming for Twitch, and my fitness.

July 2021

Sister’s wedding. Family in town, the whole month was nuts. Focused mostly on my fitness and learning how to be an officiant for my sisters’ wedding.

August 2021

Started back up on the website. Continued revising pages.


Realised I needed to stop working on the website interface and start making content. Writing the content will help me make the website because I'll know what I'm trying to achieve with each page.


After analyzing how I came to to find my passion and how to pursue it, I decided to write down the process in 7 steps. Decided to make the 7 steps to achieve life success process.


Finished writing first two steps


I had finished writing the next two steps in the process.


Finished writing steps 5 and 6


7 Steps to Success

Finished writing the last and final step. Fired up! Made a week to week plan to get my website to launch in mid-December. Also made different phases that I hope to reach with a website where I can roll out new ideas and accomplish all my goals. Let’s see what happens!


After making some of my content I had to change some parts of my website. Well, I ended up completely revamping all my main pages. Made them cleaner and more concise than the mess they actually were before. Added white a lot of white space. Created Hero images for all my pages that didn’t have one. Almost changed my color theme but I'm super happy I didn’t.


Created the landing page for the 7 steps to Success Process.

November 2021

I worked on my website layout even more. More backend stuff. The site was so slow loading at about 20 seconds. Don’t even get me started on the mobile site. As I was researching how to make it faster, which took a week or two to experiment with, I used some helpful tools like,, and Google’s page insights. All told me about several issues with my website. Not just about speed but also security. I set up a CDN under Cloudflare to help both security and speed. Looked into caches, however, it made my site very buggy.

November 2021

I realized the 7 steps are my bread and butter so they should be edited for proper grammar and flow. I didn’t have the money to hire a professional editor. I went to Fiverr and found a couple of different options. I sent my first article to two different editors. One was significantly better than the other. I then sent all of my articles to be edited by this editor.

December 2021

I have had all my edited articles sent back to me for my review. They were amazing.


So I was able to secure my website with the help of Bluehost support. Now in, it shows an A+ for security. Now I just had to fix the speed. However, even with all my research, it wasn’t helping. That and my launch date of December 26th is coming in hot. Still so much to do. So I hired someone on Fiverr who could optimize my site for speed with minimal plugins.


The website optimization worked like a charm. He fixed a lot of the code and my website is blazing fast. I wish I knew how to do it myself so that I didn't have to put more money into it. My wallets are hurting as it is and Christmas is around the corner. However, I'm not going to lie, it was worth it. My website now has an overall A rank in google's page insight.


Still uploading all of my edited articles to my site. But taking a long time because I realize I need to make the SEO better for my articles. Looked into different SEO platforms. I decided to invest in ubersuggest as one of the cheaper options. Spent hours researching keywords to help my articles rank and now I have to write them in and pray for the best. I felt some all-nighters coming in with my launch date soon approaching.



THE NEW YEAR IS HERE. Okay, so I missed the December 26th deadline. By miss, I mean I still have to blog categories that need blogs, website broken links and redirects that need fixing, some major SEO adjustments that need to be made to my website (according to Ubersuggest). However, I was able to make my first Youtube video! Besides the copyright claim that took a couple of days to clear up, It’s pretty amazing! It gets no views unless I'm the one watching it but that's expected for a brand new YouTube Channel.
With that being said, I’ve decided to...
I created two blog posts to fill up some of my categories and realized that if I wait to fill the rest it will somehow be March before I launch. Which is a very big difference from December. The whole point was to be launched for the new year. So, here we go!
I will continue to work on the website and most importantly, make blog posts, hundreds of them. But the site will Launch today. I'm going to hit social media after I make some pictures today to let everybody know. I guess you can consider it a soft launch until I get the categories filled. But I believe this is the right thing to do. Afterall all, it is better than perfect. And the rest will come.


After I launched the website I thought that I needed to make about 100 posts by April. So far I've made about two more posts since launch. Not that I have been working, I've actually been working a lot. Some of these pillar posts I'm trying to create have taken a lot out of me. I still have categories I need to fill. I question my methods. Maybe I should just go with some quick posts first so atheists there are no blank categories on the website. On the other hand, I've learned a lot about Pinterest and sorted out Instagram for marketing my content. I completely remade my Redbubble Merch store and Oh and I finally got Google ads to work on the site. It took nearly two months. But more importantly, I did my first public speaking event at the request of a non-profit out here, the Love Yourself Foundation. It's not where I thought I'd be by March, but it's somewhere just as good. But for sure I need to be a content factory for the next few months! 


Finished making my speech into my next blog, Make Motivation Easy. Also got better at promoting my website on social media. Took some more time to make some more merch. Thinking about photoshoots.


MIA, but not really

Dear god, where has the time gone? Definitely not as much progress as I imagined. However, im almost done with the website. Since the last update, all I've managed to do is write a measly 4 more blogs and make an actual merch page on my website. I wish I could explain how the time flew by without me getting more done but I honestly don't know. The good news is my blog is currently making about $20.00 a month! This is of of one post where I made an amazon affiliate link to a power adapter for the camera I currently use, the Nikon z50. But most importantly, I’ve gotten closer to having a completed website. All that's left to do is change the name of one of the categories and then write one blog post to fill the empty space. Then go through each page of the website and make some final edits for better flow and call to action.



Okay, having your own webiste teaches you a lot. The more I look at it the more I see how I can make it better. After I managed to fill in all the categories with a blog post, I proceeded to change some of the pages on my website again. Making everything simpler and easy to follow. In hindsight, I'm glad I made this timeline because looking back helps me see what I was able to accomplish. The end of this year has been tough. In September I was rear ended and that definitely didn't help anything. I had to stop working out in the gym and take some time to heal. My car was totaled and so was my lower back and neck. It's unfortunate that alot of my time has been filled with work and doctors appointments. Besides that the holidays were good. Got to see a lot of my familhy this time around. But all of it put a pause on GrindPolicy. However, this past week I had time to really plan things out for this year. I made a content planner and a weekly planner for the whole year. My first steps are to finish revamping a couple pages yet again, and then to take courses to become a certified life coach. I am also goint to work with an editor for my 7 steps to success book. So yes, I'm feeling very motivated right now to getr things done!


I finished all my classes and am officially a certified life coach. I am currently still just practicing my methodology before I take on actual clients. The content planner has had a lot of changes made to it. It pretty much looks nothing like the original. I’ve been working on a book with a freelance editor ,so a lot of the content I originally planned just hasn’t happened yet. In the realm of youtube I have begun a series called the Motivation Quote Countdown. The first video has been uploaded to the GrindPolicy Youtube channel and I've made my first youtube shorts and Tik Toks about it. As far as the website goes it's been getting about a constant 50 visitors a month according to google analytics. I'll be looking to increase this amount with new blog posts and more youtube videos to help drive traffic to the website.

What the F Happened?


Okay this is going to be a long one. Where do I even begin? It’s been about a year and a and 8 months since I last wrote an update. It makes me really sad to know that. However, while it wasn’t all sunshines and rainbows, it sure wasn’t as bad as it could be either. It wasn’t like I didn't get some things done at that time. But first, what the heck happened. Well, let's just say I had a lot of therapy. The rest of 2023 was really difficult. I deleted all of my motivational quote countdown videos among some shorts I made. They just weren’t it. My relationship with my girlfriend was reaching a breaking point and I hate how much it held me back from pursuing my goals. So much time spent in therapy, and fighting, and feeling absolutely drained. I barely got anything done in 2023 after my last post. I did work with the editor who I spent nearly 2.5k on. In hindsight it was worth it. At the time she told me pretty much what I knew, nothing i wrote was good enough. I needed real world experience and more knowledge about the competition, ie other self help books. But the notes I took would come in handy in 2025. But now let's talk about 2024. I broke up with my girlfriend in January and was pretty much without a home. I was living at my brother's place but I was eager to go and find my own place. I had saved up some money which my girlfriend wanted to use toward getting married. It was not in the cards for us. But I was able to put that money down into buying my own home. Mortgage rates were insane and I needed roommates. I literally spent all of 2024, looking for a house, recovering from my relationship, building my office, and finding roommates to help me split the cost. Now comes 2025. Holy shit, 2025. I came up with the idea for GrindPolicy in 2020. And yet I have barely scratched the surface of making it anything noteworthy. The website does not have any new material on it since 2023. It receives about 20 visitors a month. But something special is about to happen. Albeit still will be behind closed doors for a while. All the material I wrote up until now, working with the editor, and the things I've learned from the life coaching course, and through talking to other people, and doing therapy, I have come to the realization I need to turn my material into courses. On top of that I realized I've barely done anything to work towards my goal of making GrindPolicy a motivational powerhouse. This is why I cut everybody off in January and plan to keep it that way for all of 2025. I put out a video vlog on my GrindPolicy YouTube page about it. Surprisingly 26 people watched the video so far, but with an average viewership time of 5 minutes. The video is about 12 minutes long so this was very surprising to me. I expected the video to have no views and a sub 1 minute watch time as I barely tried. I didn't even prepare a script, I just talked. And I was just honest, I am giving up everything to make SIGNIFICANT PROGRESS this year. At all costs. So let's see where this goes now.



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Find Your Passion

Helping guide you to your idea of happiness

7 Steps to Success

Be Successful In Life

All your dreams and goals.


Stay Motivated

Let’s keep you fired up and ready to take on the world.


Have Accountability

Keeping you on your grind. Stay on track by having every step scheduled and accounted for.


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