November 12, 2021 Naresh




You discovered a power within and you saw your potential.  You also found your passion and made a plan.  Meanwhile, you learned how to be effectively persistent. Now that leads us to another very important step.

You have to look at what you’re doing in its totality. In other words, you have to perceive it.

Perceive means to attain awareness or understanding of. 

You need to be able to see what you’ve already achieved and what has yet to be done to get you to your vision of life success. This is important for two reasons:

  1. to make any adjustments necessary for the future, and
  2. to acknowledge and celebrate the great things you have accomplished so far.


Your plan will always be more vague at first, no matter how detailed you tried to make it. As you progress along your path, your newly-acquired knowledge will make your next steps clearer. 

Every step you take brings new abilities and knowledge that you didn’t have when you originally made your plan. So don’t be afraid to make some adjustments to your plan as you go.

These adjustments are just applying your newfound knowledge. They consequently may involve extra work which you’ve realized will lead you to a better outcome. On the other hand, it may be a work smarter not harder change that you didn’t see sooner.

You should always be revisiting your plan in order to make any changes that will better lead toward your milestones. I call it a Refining process. 

Refining means to improve something by making small changes; in particular, making an idea, theory, or method more subtle and accurate.

You’re taking your plan which is already designed to work, and refining it to be more efficient. That means making tweaks to your plan of action so that they work better for you. As you go, you’ll naturally discover things that need to be restructured or reprioritized.

Making adjustments in your current plan for success is more than okay—it’s expected and welcomed. Don’t deviate from full-on greatness
GrindPolicy #28


You’re revisiting your vision and seeing all your goals every day when you look at your vision board or recite your I AM’s. But you will also have the chance to revisit when you review your plan.

Every day, after you’ve completed your tasks, take a look at what you have to do the following day. Take some time to ask yourself if those tasks still make sense as-is. Is the current method adequate or is there a better way?

Do this for each week’s plans as well. At the end of every week, when you think about what you have to do the next week, go ahead and refine anything to be more efficient.  

Think about it every time you hit a milestone. Does the plan for the next milestone need refining? Do any milestones need to be shifted around?

As you complete your milestones, revisit your vision, your why, and your passion. Make sure everything is still aligned. It’s important to have them all organized, perhaps written down somewhere where you can easily access them and see everything clearly.

Remember to account for all your different goals when revisiting your process. First, see where you can incorporate them into what you’re doing. Secondly, see where they can support each other, build off what you’re doing now, or help you with your current focus. Finally, see if any of them need to be reprioritized to make the best use of your time.


Every step you take is a chance to look and see if you can apply new knowledge and ability to your next steps, making your progress even better. But it’s also a chance to acknowledge your accomplishments. 

Take a moment to really perceive where you are and look back at all the things you’ve completed. Now take the opportunity to celebrate your accomplishments. Acknowledge where you are and what you have done to get there. 

At each step of the way, it’s important to recognize your accomplishments, even if you think they are trivial or small. We can’t just keep going repetitively with only one goal in mind.

Remember, every day is a battle, and you win by accomplishing everyday tasks. Each of those tasks is progress toward your goals.

It’s all your little victories that play the biggest part in your success. Celebrating them will build an undeniable mental fortitude to carry on. Be proud of yourself
GrindPolicy #29


We have to associate that feeling of accomplishment, and the happiness that our vision of life success brings us, with our everyday tasks. The love we have for our passion, our ultimate goal, should also be applied to the daily tasks that may seem mundane or tedious.

In short, this is all about the repetition of positive reinforcement. 

The more often you celebrate the smallest of victories in any task, the more your mind will recognize that you are being rewarded for working on your goals. 

Doing this is what makes it easier to follow through. We are teaching our minds that even mundane tasks can bring us the happiness of our success because those tasks are bringing us closer to that success. 

It’s also teaching our minds to see the bigger picture. We are rewarding ourselves for the small victories, but we still know the bigger victory lies ahead. Our minds will be more readily excitable at the thought of reaching those bigger goals as a result.


Success is the result of constant little victories day in and day out. Take the time to enjoy them and celebrate them, feel good about them, boast about them. 

Every time you claim a victory, you are actually making it easier for your mind to feel happy when you do so.

The benefit of positive reinforcement is that the more you reward yourself for completing those tasks, the more motivation you’ll have to keep going. You will be more likely to build and keep positive habits that help you work on your vision. 

Subsequently, it will also reinforce the mindset you need to keep going. The stronger your fortitude to follow through with the everyday work, the easier it will be to overcome obstacles and never even see distractions.

All of this together makes you happier to do what needs to be done, and you can get real fulfillment through working on yourself, all the while making progress toward your vision of life success.


Take the time to perceive your actions, plans, passion, and vision on a regular basis. Remember, you have to really look at what you have accomplished and learned, so you can make any necessary adjustments to future tasks. 

Moreover, acknowledge yourself and the things you are capable of. Every task completed is certainly a step closer. The more consistent you are, the more progress you’ll realize. 

Most importantly, praise yourself when you know you’re being consistent. Celebrate every milestone. Tell others about what you’ve been doing. This can be in person, in a blog or even in a journal. Writing it down and saying it aloud will help you perceive your progress. You’ll recognize how your actions are beneficial.  Be proud of yourself.


How to be successful in life  Step 7 – PROVIDE

Does anything stop you from giving yourself a pat on the back for the small things? Why?

Let me know in the comments section below

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